Competition Bench Press 260x1 (this moved nicely)
Banded Bench Press 5x5 at 45% with doubled greens (125)
Pullup Negatives 5x8
Double DB Row 4x16 (50's)
Superset Cable Tricep Ext and Barbell Reverse Curl 4x16 on each
Band Pull Apart 125
Competition Bench Press 260x1 (this moved nicely)
Banded Bench Press 5x5 at 45% with doubled greens (125)
Pullup Negatives 5x8
Double DB Row 4x16 (50's)
Superset Cable Tricep Ext and Barbell Reverse Curl 4x16 on each
Band Pull Apart 125
Wide Stance Squat 3x8 RPE 8 (265/8, 265/8, 265/8)
Competition Squat 365x1 (it was nice to be able to hit this weight after the above volume)
DB Lunges 4x10 per leg (45's)
DB Stiff Leg Deadlift 4x12 (put the weight of your feet in your heels and outside of your feet) (55's)
V Ups 4x15
Wide Grip Bench Press 3x8 at RPE 8 (205/8, 210/8, 210/8)
3 Board Press - 3x4 at 80-85% (240/4, 240/4, 240/4)
DB Shoulder Press - 4x10 slow on the way down (60's)
Earthquake Bar Incline Press - 3x16 (96)
Barbell Row - 5x10 (155)
Conventional Deadlift 415x1
Conventional Stiff Leg Deadlift against Orange Bands 6x6 at 45% (210)
Hyperextensions 120 reps
Prowler Row into Prowler Drag 100 lbs loaded
TRX Mountain Climber 3x15 per leg (Couldn't get these right, so I did 3x15 plank touches instead)
I did this on 12/24.
Competition Bench Press 250x1 (this moved fast)
Banded Bench Press 6x6 at 40% with doubled greens (115)
Pullup Negatives 5x5
Double DB Row 4x20 (50's, 45's, 40's, 40's)
Superset Cable Tricep Ext and Barbell Reverse Curl 4x12 on each
Band Pull Apart 100 reps
Competition Squat 345x1 (moved OK, but slower than I wanted it to. :/)
Wide Stance Squat 3x10 RPE 7 (225/10, 225/10, 225/10)
DB Lunges 4x8 per leg (45's)
DB Stiff Leg Deadlift 4x15 (put the weight of your feet in your heels and outside of your feet) (45's)
V Ups 4x12
This is the start of the final three week block before testing!
Wide Grip Bench Press 3x10 at RPE 7 (185/10, 185/10, 185/10)
3 Board Press - 3x5 at 75-80% (225/5, 225/5, 225/5)
DB Shoulder Press - 4x12 slow on the way down (50's)
Earthquake Bar Incline Press - 3x20 (56/20, 56/20, 66/20)
Barbell Row - 5x12 (135)
Deficit Conventional DL plus Orange Bands 5x2 at 70% (325/2, 325/2, 325/2, 325/2, 325/2)
GHD Back Extension with Twist at the Top 4x12 each side (I did 4x10 today, which is my best)
KB Side Bends 2x40 each side
Prowler Push with 100 lbs 10 x down and back
2 Board Press 4x4 at 70-80% (225/4, 225/4, 225/4, 225/4)
Multigrip Press 4x8 RPE 9 (195/8, 190/8, 190/8, 195/8)
Superset Tricep Ext with Banded Pushups 4x10 on each movement (got 10, 8, 7, 7 with the pushups)
Ring Row 4 x fail
3 sets/30 each arm of banded pushdowns
Beltless 1-2-3 Squats 4x4 at 65% (250/4, 250/4, 250/4, 250/4) (very happy to report that I am done with these!)
Competition Single at 305 for 2 sets
SSB Good Mornings 4x10 with pause at the bottom (115/10, 125/10, 135/10, 135/10)
GHD Sit Up 3x25 (I did 4 sets...15, 13, 10 10)
Close Grip Floor Press 4x6 at 65-70% (195/6, 195/6, 195/6, 195/6)
Flat DB Press 3x10 (slow on the way down) (75's/10, 75's/10, 75's/10)
Paused DB Row 4x10/side (75/10, 75/10, 75/10, 75/10)
Close Grip Lat Row 4x12
Incline DB Skull Crusher 4x20
2 Board Press 4x5 at 75-80% (225/5, 225/5, 225/5, 225/5)
Multigrip Press 4x10 RPE 8 (185/10, 185/10, 185/10, 185/8, died out on the last set)
Band Pushdowns, one in each hand 3x25
Superset Tricep Ext with Pushups 4x20 on each movement (my arms were so fried that I ended up doing most of the pushups on my knees, and even those were hard!)
Ring Row 4 x fail with feet elevated
Beltless 1-2-3 Squats 4x6 at 55% (210/6, 210/6, 210/6, 210/6) (no words......)
Competition Single at 340 (255/1, 285/1, 315/1, 340/1) (moved very well!)
SSB Good Mornings 4x15 (85/15, 85/15, 85/15, 85/15)
GHD Sit Up 3x20 (did 3x15 this week)
Close Grip Floor Press 4x8 at 60% (170/8, 170/8, 170/8, 170/8)
Flat DB Press 3x12 (slow on the way down) (65's/12, 65's/12, 65's/12)
Paused DB Row 4x10/side (75/10, 75/10, 75/10, 75/10)
Close Grip Lat Row 4x16
Incline DB Skull Crusher 4x25
Deficit Conventional DL plus Orange Bands 5x3 at 50% (235/3, 235/3, 235/3, 235/3, 235/3) (very easy)
I went off program and did a couple of conventional singles @ 345 & 405. They both moved very well.
GHD Back Extension with Twist at the Top 4x8 each side
KB Side Bends 2x30 each side
Jack Knife 4x12/side
Prowler Push with 100 lbs 3 x down and back (loved these!)
2 Board Press 4x6 at 60%-70% (195/6, 195/6, 205/6, 205/6) (these were pretty easy)
Multigrip Press 4x12 RPE 7 (175/12, 175/12, 165/12, 165/12) (first time doing these....they were "interesting")
Dips 3 x failure (My shoulders don't allow me to do dips, so I did 3x20 of band pushdowns, one in each hand)
Superset Tricep Ext with Pushups 4x15 on each movement (the pushup portion of these was hard.. couldn't do 15 straight)
Ring Row 4 x fail (I like these)
Beltless 1-2-3 Squats 4x8 at 45% (170/8, 170/8, 170/7, 170/7) - these are absolute torture. Each rep is a pause in the hole, go halfway way up and pause again, go back down in the hole and pause for a third time, and then go all the way up. I could only manage 7 reps on sets three and four.
Competition Single at 325 (I really questioned how I'd be able to squat 325 after doing the above. I started with 245 and progressed up to 325. 245 felt really weird after doing the 1-2-3 squats. I got used it to, though, so 325 wasn't bad at all.
SSB Good Mornings 4x20 (65/20, 65/20, 65/20, 65/20)
GHD Sit Up 3x15 (these were tough - did 3x12)
* Back felt good tonight, so hopefully what occurred this past weekend wasn't anything serious.
My back was bothering me the last number of days so I skipped deadlifts last week. I hope that was just a blip because I've been feel great lately.
Close Grip Floor Press 4x10 at 55% (155/10, 155/10, 155/10, 155/10)
Flat DB Press 3x15 (slow on the way down) (55's/15, 55's/15, 55's/15)
Paused DB Row 4x12/side (55/12, 60/12, 65/12, 65/12)
Close Grip Lat Row 4x20
Incline DB Skull Crusher 4x30
Paused Close Grip 6x3 at 70% (200/3, 200/3, 200/3, 200/3, 200/3, 200/3)
Competition Single at 235
Banded DB Press 2x12 (30's/12, 30's/12)
Belt Squat Row 4x10 (90/10, 100/10, 100/10, 100/10)
Paused Facepull 5x12
Banded Tricep Extension 200 reps
Beltless Paused Squat 5x3 at 70% (275/3, 275/3, 275/3, 275/3, 275/3)
High Bar Good Morning 4x12 (105/12, 115/12, 125/12, 135/12)
Posterior Pelvic Tilt Plank 4 minutes total
Alt Toe Touch 4x15/side (did 60 reps, but in many more sets than 4)
Double KB Swing 4x35
Incline Close Grip 4x5 RPE 9 (190/4, 185/5, 185/5, 185/5)
Military Press (3 seconds on the way down, fast on the way up) 4x8 (105/8, 115/8, 115/8, 115/8)
Straight Bar Pullover 5x10
Plate Loaded Row Machine 4x12
Cable Tricep Extension 6x20 heavier
Deficit Conventional Deadlift 6x4 at 70% (325/4, 325/4, 325/4, 325/4, 325/4, 325/4)
Trap Bar Deadlift 4x10 RPE 8 (315/10, 315/10, 335/10, 335/10)
Banded Hamstring Curl 4x25
Paused GHD Back Extension 3x20 holding 20 lbs (just did 3x20, not paused, no weight. This is an improvement over last week.)
Paused Close Grip 5x4 at 65% (185/4, 185/4, 185/4, 185/4, 185/4)
Competition Single at 255 (225/1, 255/1) (should have paused longer)
Banded DB Press 2x16 (25's/14, 25's/12, fell short of 16)
Plate Loaded Row 4x12
Paused Facepull 4x16
Banded Tricep Extension 175 reps
Beltless Paused Squat 4x5 at 65% (250/5, 250/5, 250/5, 250/5)
High Bar Goodmorning 3x16 (65/16, 75/16, 85/16)
Posterior Pelvic Tilt Plank 3:30 minutes total
Alt Toe Touch 4x12/side (did 48 total reps, but in a lot of sets, rather than 4x12)
Double KB Swing 4x30
Incline Close Grip 4x7 RPE 8 (175/7, 175/7, 175/7, 175/7)
Military Press (3 seconds on the way down, fast on the way up) 4x10 (85/10, 85/10, 85/10, 85/10)
Straight Bar Pullover 4x12
Belt Squat Row 4x16 (70/16, 70/16, 70/16, 70/16)
Cable Tricep Extension 5x30
Day 4: Deadlift
Deficit Conventional Deadlift 5x6 at 60% (270/6, 270/6, 270/6, 270/6, 270/6)
Trap Bar Deadlift 4x12 RPE 8 (315/12, 295/12, 295/12, 295/12)
Banded Hamstring Curl 4x20
Paused GHD Back Extension 3x20 (3 sets of 20 paused is a lot for me.. didn't make it, but did 3 sets, some paused, some not. Will get better!)
Day 3: Bench Day 2
Paused Close Grip 5x4 at 60% (170/4, 170/4, 170/4, 170/4, 170/4)
Competition Single at 245 (205/1, 225/1, 245/1)
Banded DB Press 2x20 (15's/20, 20's/20)
Belt Squat Row 4x15 (50/15, 50/15, 70/15, 70/15)
Paused Facepull 4x20
Banded Tricep Extension 150 reps
Day 2: Squat
Beltless Paused Squat 4x7 at 60% (230/7, 230/7, 230/7, 230/7)
High Bar Good Morning 3x20 (65/20, 45/20, 45/20)
Posterior Pelvic Tilt Plank 3 minutes total
Alt Toe Touch 4x10/side (I only did 3 sets... this killed me)
Double KB Swing 4x25 (varied the weight.. lighter to heavier)
* I don't know if it seems like this was tough on paper, but suffice it to say, I think I died a little bit.
I hooked up with a local powerlifting coach, who designed a 9 week program for me. There is a push-pull meet in mid January that I will be working up to.
Day 1: Bench Day 1
Incline Close Grip 4x9 RPE 7
175/9, 165/9, 155/9, 155/9: I haven't trained using RPE before, so this will take some time getting used to. 175 was probably too heavy of a starting weight
Overhead Press (3 seconds on the way down, fast on the way up) 4x12
65/12, 65/12, 65/12, 65/12
Straight Bar Pullover 4x15
65/15, 65/15, 65/15, 65/15
Rope Lat Row 4x20
Cable Tricep Extension 4x30
* Feels good to be back!
Conventional Deadlift PRs: first 445, then 465. This is +30 pounds over my previous sumo PR.
I'm starting a new program next week that calls for conventionals, so I decided to practice them tonight, since I haven't done the movement in a very long time. A powerlifting coach gave me a lot of tips this week and they've been great.
Talk about an unexpected PR out of nowhere... I had no thoughts about setting a PR tonight, but as I kept adding weight, it kept feeling great, so I went for it. Getting to 500 is now a real thing!
This is my last workout until the beginning of November.
I came in to the night thinking 335/5, which would have been a nice 5RM by 20 pounds. I ended up calling an audible and did a set of 335/3 (which was a brief 3RM), and another set of 340/3 (which is my new 3RM). I knew that I would not make 335/5 during the second rep of that set, so I decided to rack it after rep three. I then looked up my current 2RM - 340 - so I decided to go for a set of 3. The third rep was a battle, but I got it.
Block Pulls: 375/5, 405/3, 405/4
Kabuki Trap Bar HD: 376/6, 376/6, 376/6, 376/6 (first time using this bar.. pretty weighs 66 pounds)
Sumo Deadlift: worked up to a 5RM @ 390 and then added a 2RM @ 405 for fun.
Paused SSB Squat: 205/5, 245/5, 245/5, 245/5. Each set done as a superset with the plate loaded row machine.
Spoto Press (60% of incline): 170/10, 170/10, 170/10
Squats (77.5%): 300/5, 300/5, 300/5, 300/8 (8RM), +10 lb 8RM over last week
Paused Bench Press (77.5%): 220/5, 220/5, 220/5, 220/7. (felt smooth, racked the amrap at 7, but probably could have done 8. May even be good for 9-10 without the 3x5 first, which isn't too shabby.
Incline DBs: 75's/10, 75's/10, 75's/10
Lat PDs: 3x10
Close Grip Bench: 185/10, 185/10, 185/10
Hammer Curls: 3x10
Sumo Deadlift (77.5%): 340/5, 340/5, 340/5, 340/11 (11RM)
Pause SSB Squat: 175/8, 185/8, 195/8
Hip Thrusts: 205/10, 205/10, 205/10
Pendlay Rows: 175/10, 175/10, 175/10
Abs: 3 sets
Paused Bench Press (75%): 210/5, 210/5, 210/5, 210/5, 210/5, 210/8
* Felt much stronger than last week.
Incline DB Press: 70's/10, 70's/10, 70's/10, 70's/10, 70's/10
Pendlay Rows: 170/10, 170/10, 170/10
Close Grip Bench: 170/10, 175/10, 175/9 (didn't take enough of a rest in between sets, died out at 9)
EX Bar Curls: 70/10, 70/10, 70/10
Sumo Deadlift (75%): 325/5, 325/5, 325/5, 325/5, 325/5, 325/10
SSB Pause Squats: 165/8, 165/8, 165/8
Hip Thrusts: 205/10, 205/10, 205/10
One Arm Lat PDs: 3x10
Planks: 30 seconds, 30 seconds, 30 seconds
* I sweat a lot.
Squats (72.5%): 280/5, 280/5, 280/5, 280/5, 280/10 (10RM)
* It was nice to be able to set a 10RM after doing 4x5 at that weight.
Block Pulls: 265/15, 265/15, 265/15, 265/15
Barbell Rows: 135/15, 135/15, 135/15 (each set was a superset with abs)
Paused Bench Press (72.5%): 205/5, 205/5, 205/5, 205/5, 205/7
* The four sets of 5 definitely impacted the AMRAP set. I thought I'd be good for 10-11, but I died out at 7.
Incline DB Press: 70's/10, 70's/10, 70's/10, 70's/10
One Arm Lat PDs: 3x10
Close Grip Bench Press: 155/10, 165/10, 165/10
DB Curls: 3x10
Sumo Deadlift (72.5%): 135/5, 135/5, 225/3, 315/5, 315/5, 315/5, 315/5, 315/12
SSB Pause Squats: 155/8, 155/8, 155/8, 155/8
Hip Thrusts: 205/10, 205/10, 205/10
Pendlay Rows: 165/10, 165/10, 165/10
Planks: 30 seconds, 30 seconds, 30 seconds
* Deads felt great tonight. Managed one more rep this week, despite an increase of 10 pounds.
Paused Bench Press (70%): 135/5, 195/5, 195/5, 195/5, 195/12 (12RM)
Incline DB's: 70's/10, 75's/10, 75's/10
Hammer Curls: 40's/10, 40's/10, 40's/10
Standing Skull Crushers: 60/10, 60/10, 60/10
One Arm Lat Pulldowns: 110/10, 110/10, 110/10
* I am going switch off of skull crushers going forward because they aren't nice to my left shoulder.
I'm going to run the Kizen 2020 off season program until I take a couple of weeks off from the gym due to some upcoming traveling.
Tonight's workout was sort of a shock to the body with all of the 10 rep sets. It's been a while since I've trained with this many reps!
Sumo Deadlift (70%): 155/5, 265/3, 305/5, 305/5, 305/5, 305/11
303 Tempo Squat: 135/7, 95/10, 95/10 (never did this exercise before.. ridiculously hard, as you can see by the weight selection. I figured that 135 for 10 would be an easy starting point.. NOPE- I racked the bar after the 7th rep!)
Hip Thrusts: 205/10, 205/10, 205/10
Pendlay Rows: 135/10, 155/10, 175/10
Planks: 30 seconds, 30 seconds, 30 seconds
Squat: 385 (PR)
Bench: 265, failed twice at 285
Dead: 425, failed at 440
Total: 1075
* 385 was a nice 20 pound PR. It was pretty smooth, too.. probably could have hit 395.
* After squatting, I realized that doing all three maxes in the same day is a lot different than just doing one. I started to get taxed.... bench never felt all that great. 265 moved, but it just didn't feel right. 285 moved at first, but died about halfway through.
* By the time we got to deadlifts, I was definitely pretty spent. 425 was hard, but I thought I'd be able to get 440. Nope.. wasn't even close.
* Very glad I did this and had a lot of fun. I wanted 1100, ended up with 1075. Not too far off. We'll get there.
Some light work before the PR day on Saturday.
worked up to 270/3
worked up to 205/3
worked up to 315/3
planks- 2 sets
Last Sling Shot day before the gym meet... worked up to 290/3, which is a 3RM. It was harder than I wanted it to be, though.
plate loaded shoulder press- 2 sets
plate loaded row machine- 2 sets
abs- 3 sets
* Next Tuesday, I will work up to a set of 3 at 70% in the SBD, and that will be it before 9/12.
Tied a PR @ 435. It was fast off the floor, but it took everything I had to get through the second half of the rep. My legs were shaking like crazy.
Accessories: belt squat- 2 sets; planks- 3 sets
I'll hit some Sling Shot for reps on Friday, then do a light session of all three lifts on Tuesday, and that will be it.
The gym meet is on September 12.
I'm thinking about getting at least an 1100 total. I've played around with the numbers a bit, but something like 380, 285, 435 will get me there. I'd like to do more than that for each movement, but who knows how I will feel that day and how tired I will get as we progress.
Let's go!
Huge PR of 280 tonight!! I would have been happy to hit that at the meet in two weeks. Now, I am eyeing 290.
Accessories: two sets of triceps pushdowns
Last week of peaking.
Worked up to 365 in the squat, for a PR. Moved well. Looking to do 380+ at the meet.
belt squat- 3 sets
planks- 3 sets
Worked up to 315 on the Sling Shot tonight!
Incline Bench (185/10, 185/10, 185/8, 185/6)
abs- 4 sets
Sumo Deadlift
Worked up to 425/1. This was a great day because I went into it thinking 410, and ended up hitting 425. Now, I'm thinking 440 at the mock meet.
plate loaded row machine- 3 sets
curls- 2 sets
Paused Bench Press
worked up to a new PR @ 270. Looking for 275 next week.
triceps pushdowns- 4 sets
abs- 4 sets
Worked up to 350/1 (felt smooth.. definitely have more in the tank, which is the point at this stage)
hip thrusts (banded, body weight)- 5 sets
planks- 3 sets
* This is the first of two weeks of singles leading up to the mock meet on 9/12. The accessory work goes way down from this point forward.
Sling Shot Bench
Worked up to 305/1 (15 pound PR)
Incline Bench Press (185/9, 185/9, 185/8)
plate loaded shoulder press- 4 sets
one arm plate loaded lat PD- 2 sets
back extensions- 3 sets
planks- 3 sets
Sumo Deadlift (2x2)
Worked up to 395/2, 400/2. Felt solid. Edit: Just realized that 400/2 is a 2RM. Nice.
Hex Bar Deadlift (335/10, 335/10, 335/10)
Planks- 3 sets
Paused Bench Press (2x2)
Worked up to 250/2, 255/2, both being 2RMs. Things are moving very well right now.. need to keep it going another 4 weeks.
Spoto Press (215/6, 215/6, 215/6)
Incline DBs (90's/6, 90's/5, 90's/5)
plate loaded shoulder press- 3 sets
plate loaded rows & abs- 4 supersets
Squats (2x2)
Worked up to 330/2 & 340/2 (By default, they were both PRs) Both sets felt pretty good, too.
belt squat machine- 5 sets
curls- 5 sets
Incline Bench (205/3, 210/3, 210/3, 210/3)
Sling Shot Bench (225/3, 250/3, 265/1, 280/1, 290/1 (PR))
shoulder press machine & abs- 3 supersets
back extensions- 3 sets
lat pulldowns- 4 sets
hip thrusts (205/10, 225/8, 245/8, 245/8)
Sumo Deadlift (85%, 3x3)
380/3, 380/3, 380/3 (stiff bar; moved pretty well)
Accessory Work
Hex Bar Deadlift (385/6, 405/6, 405/6)
DB curls- 3 sets
Triceps pushdowns- 3 sets
Paused Bench Press (85%, 3x3)
235/3, 235/3, 240/3 (felt great, decided to add an extra 5 pounds for the last set)
Spoto Press (200/6, 210/6, 210/6)
Incline DB's (85's/7, 85's/7, 85's/7)
plate loaded shoulder press- 3 sets
plate loaded rows- 4 sets
Squats (85%, 3x3)