Monday, November 30, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 4, Day 1: Bench Day 1

My back was bothering me the last number of days so I skipped deadlifts last week. I hope that was just a blip because I've been feel great lately. 

Close Grip Floor Press 4x10 at 55%  (155/10, 155/10, 155/10, 155/10)

Flat DB Press 3x15 (slow on the way down)  (55's/15, 55's/15, 55's/15)

Paused DB Row 4x12/side  (55/12, 60/12, 65/12, 65/12)

Close Grip Lat Row 4x20

Incline DB Skull Crusher 4x30

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 3, Day 3: Bench Day 2

Paused Close Grip 6x3 at 70%  (200/3, 200/3, 200/3, 200/3, 200/3, 200/3)

Competition Single at 235

Banded DB Press 2x12  (30's/12, 30's/12)

Belt Squat Row 4x10  (90/10, 100/10, 100/10, 100/10)

Paused Facepull 5x12

Banded Tricep Extension 200 reps 

Monday, November 23, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 3, Day 2: Squat

Beltless Paused Squat 5x3 at 70%  (275/3, 275/3, 275/3, 275/3, 275/3)

High Bar Good Morning 4x12  (105/12, 115/12, 125/12, 135/12)

Posterior Pelvic Tilt Plank 4 minutes total

Alt Toe Touch 4x15/side  (did 60 reps, but in many more sets than 4)

Double KB Swing 4x35

Sunday, November 22, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 3, Day 1: Bench Day 1

Incline Close Grip 4x5 RPE 9  (190/4, 185/5, 185/5, 185/5)

Military Press (3 seconds on the way down, fast on the way up) 4x8   (105/8, 115/8, 115/8, 115/8)

Straight Bar Pullover 5x10

Plate Loaded Row  Machine 4x12

Cable Tricep Extension 6x20 heavier

Friday, November 20, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 2, Day 4: Deadlift

Deficit Conventional Deadlift 6x4 at 70%  (325/4, 325/4, 325/4, 325/4, 325/4, 325/4)

Trap Bar Deadlift 4x10 RPE 8  (315/10, 315/10, 335/10, 335/10)

Banded Hamstring Curl 4x25

Paused GHD Back Extension 3x20 holding 20 lbs  (just did 3x20, not paused, no weight. This is an improvement over last week.)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 2, Day 3: Bench Day 2

Paused Close Grip 5x4 at 65%  (185/4, 185/4, 185/4, 185/4, 185/4)

Competition Single at 255  (225/1, 255/1)  (should have paused longer)

Banded DB Press 2x16  (25's/14, 25's/12, fell short of 16)

Plate Loaded Row 4x12

Paused Facepull 4x16

Banded Tricep Extension 175 reps

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 2, Day 2: Squat

Beltless Paused Squat 4x5 at 65%  (250/5, 250/5, 250/5, 250/5)

High Bar Goodmorning 3x16  (65/16, 75/16, 85/16)

Posterior Pelvic Tilt Plank 3:30 minutes total

Alt Toe Touch 4x12/side  (did 48 total reps, but in a lot of sets, rather than 4x12)

Double KB Swing 4x30

Monday, November 16, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 2, Day 1: Bench Day 1

Incline Close Grip 4x7 RPE 8  (175/7, 175/7, 175/7, 175/7)

Military Press (3 seconds on the way down, fast on the way up) 4x10  (85/10, 85/10, 85/10, 85/10)

Straight Bar Pullover 4x12

Belt Squat Row 4x16  (70/16, 70/16, 70/16, 70/16)

Cable Tricep Extension 5x30

Friday, November 13, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 1, Day 4: Deadlift

Day 4: Deadlift

Deficit Conventional Deadlift 5x6 at 60%  (270/6, 270/6, 270/6, 270/6, 270/6)

Trap Bar Deadlift 4x12 RPE 8  (315/12, 295/12, 295/12, 295/12)

Banded Hamstring Curl 4x20

Paused GHD Back Extension 3x20  (3 sets of 20 paused is a lot for me.. didn't make it, but did 3 sets, some paused, some not. Will get better!)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 1, Day 3: Bench Day 2

Day 3: Bench Day 2

Paused Close Grip 5x4 at 60%  (170/4, 170/4, 170/4, 170/4, 170/4)

Competition Single at 245  (205/1, 225/1, 245/1)

Banded DB Press 2x20  (15's/20, 20's/20)

Belt Squat Row 4x15  (50/15, 50/15, 70/15, 70/15)

Paused Facepull 4x20  

Banded Tricep Extension 150 reps

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 1, Day 2: Paused Squats

Day 2: Squat

Beltless Paused Squat 4x7 at 60%  (230/7, 230/7, 230/7, 230/7)

High Bar Good Morning 3x20  (65/20, 45/20, 45/20)

Posterior Pelvic Tilt Plank 3 minutes total

Alt Toe Touch 4x10/side  (I only did 3 sets... this killed me)

Double KB Swing 4x25  (varied the weight.. lighter to heavier)

  * I don't know if it seems like this was tough on paper, but suffice it to say, I think I died a little bit. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

9 Weeks: Week 1, Day 1: Bench Day 1

I hooked up with a local powerlifting coach, who designed a 9 week program for me. There is a push-pull meet in mid January that I will be working up to. 

Day 1: Bench Day 1

Incline Close Grip 4x9 RPE 7 

     175/9, 165/9, 155/9, 155/9:  I haven't trained using RPE before, so this will take some time getting used to. 175 was probably too heavy of a starting weight

Overhead Press (3 seconds on the way down, fast on the way up) 4x12

     65/12, 65/12, 65/12, 65/12 

Straight Bar Pullover 4x15

    65/15, 65/15, 65/15, 65/15

Rope Lat Row 4x20

Cable Tricep Extension 4x30

  * Feels good to be back!

Friday, November 6, 2020

30 lb. Deadlift PR!

Conventional Deadlift PRs: first 445, then 465. This is +30 pounds over my previous sumo PR.

I'm starting a new program next week that calls for conventionals, so I decided to practice them tonight, since I haven't done the movement in a very long time. A powerlifting coach gave me a lot of tips this week and they've been great.

Talk about an unexpected PR out of nowhere... I had no thoughts about setting a PR tonight, but as I kept adding weight, it kept feeling great, so I went for it. Getting to 500 is now a real thing!