Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Nice Deadlift PR to end 2022

The last lifting day of 2022 resulted in a 16 pound deadlift PR @ 540.

Progression: 265/5, 335/2, 375/1, 425/1, 465/1, 495/1, 530/1 (PR), 540/1 (PR)

My lifetime total is now 1305: 475-290-540. If you told me a couple of years ago that I would be typing this today, I would have never believed you. 1200 was my lifetime goal not too long ago, yet here we are.

During the last two months, I ran Korte 3x3. 

To recap:

Squat: 15 pound PR (460 --> 475)
Deadlift: 16 pound PR (524 --> 540)
Bench: 0 (I don't blame the program.. bench is just the bane of my existence)

Looking ahead to 2023.... I registered for a competition in late March. I haven't decided what meet prep will look like yet. Shortly after the New Year, I will get back in to the gym and come up with a plan.

Happy Holidays! 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Big Squat PR

I finished squats this year with a huge 15 pound PR @ 475!

The progression was as follows: 135/7, 225/4, 275/2, 315/1, 365/1, 405/1, 430/1, 465/1 (PR), 475/1 (PR)

500 is now in sight!

One more gym session in 2022- Tuesday, the 20th. I'll try a deadlift PR that night... if I get one, you'll see a post on the topic.