Friday, March 30, 2012

Week 13: Intensity Day

Intensity Day was done the day immediately following Recovery Day, despite this not being the recommended course of action.  I did this because there will be numerous weekends over the Spring and Summer where I will not be able to lift weights.  Therefore, I wanted to see how my body would react to consecutive days of working out using the Texas Method.

I was happy with my performance with squats.  My bench press, however, did suffer a bit.  I think this can be attributed to two factors: a) bench press has always been my weakest exercise, and thus takes a long time before I see improvement; and  b) I had a strenuous bench press session on Volume Day this week and  neglected to stretch afterward.  I was extremely sore in the chest area during Recovery Day, as well as tonight.

Since many of my weekends will be busy for the foreseeable future, and since I will have to workout in consecutive days relatively often, I may just have to deal with less than an ideal progression with bench pressing.  I will always stretch post workout, though, to try and avoid the soreness.  I have a feeling that soreness was a major reason why I wasn't as strong as I would have liked to have been tonight.


Warm Up: 45/10, 135/5, 225/3, 275/2
Work Sets: 315/4, 340/1

Video- Squats: 315/4

Video- Squats: 340/1


Bench Press

Warm Up: 45/15, 135/7, 185/3
Work Set: 235/3
I tried 252 for 1, but I barely moved the bar off of my chest.

Chinups (w/pause)


Box Squats


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 13: Recovery Day


Warm Up: 45/10, 135/7
Work Sets: 235/5,5


Warm Up: 45/11, 115/7
Work Sets: 155/5,5,5

Pullups (Wide, Pause at Bottom)


Back Extensions


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Week 13: Volume Day


Warm Up: 45/10, 135/6, 225/4
Work Sets: 295/5,5,5,5,5
Felt good- will try 300/5X5 next week.

Bench Press

Warm Up: 45/10, 135/6
Work Sets: 225/5,5,5,4,4
Couldn't quite get 225/5X5.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 13: Deadlifts

Something different- deadlifts on Monday, to lighten the load a little bit for tomorrow's Volume Day.

I usually play basketball on Mondays. Tonight, I played one game, lost, and thus ended up on the bench for the indefinite future, as the gym was crowded. So, I utilized that down time to perform deadlifts.

Warm Up: 135/10, 225/5
Work Set: 355/3

I was definitely weaker than normal for two reasons: the aforementioned basketball and less than stellar sleep. Thus, I wasn't surprised in the least that I didn't get 355 for 5 reps. All in all, I really can't complain about 3 reps, and am pretty confident that I would nail 5 reps on full rest.

Bottom line: If I elect to do deadlifts on a basketball night again, they will be done prior to setting foot on the court.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 12, Day 3: Intensity Day


Warm Up: 45/10, 135/5, 225/5, 275/1
Work Sets: 310/4, 330/1

Video- Squats: 330/1


Warm Up: 45/11, 115/6, 145/2
Work Sets: 170/1, 181/0

I felt good after doing 170 for 1 rep, so I decided to try 181 for 1. I didn't make it, as the video below indicates. Why am I posting an unsuccessful video? Because one day, I will be able to do this weight. When that day comes, I can look back at this video and see how much I've progressed. In a nutshell, it serves as inspiration.

Video- Press: 181/0 (FAIL)

Chinups (Pause at Bottom)


Pullups (Pause at Bottom)


Box Squats

Warm Up: 135/10
Work Sets: 225/5,5,5

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 12, Day 2: Recovery Day


Warm Up: 45/10, 135/5
Work Sets: 235/5,5

Bench Press

Warm Up: 45/15, 135/9
Work Sets: 200/5,5,5


  * Very wide grip, pause at the bottom of each rep

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 12, Day 1: Volume Day


Warm Up: 135/10, 225/5
Work Set: 350/5
For whatever reason, this seemed much easier than 345/5 did last week.

Video- Deadlift: 350/5:


Warm Up: 45/10, 135/5, 225/3
Work Sets: 295/5,5,5,5,5


Warm Up: 45/14, 115/7
Work Sets: 165/5,5,5,5,4
I have no idea where this came from. (Take a look at previous posts.) This is, far and away, a personal record!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Week 11, Day 3: Intensity Day


Warm Up: 45/11, 135/6, 225/3, 275/1, 295/1
Work Set: 305/5

Bench Press

Warm Up: 45/10, 135/7, 195/3
Work Sets: 235/3, 250/1



Box Squats

Warm Up: 135/6
Work Sets: 225/5,5,5


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Week 11, Day 2: Recovery Day


Warm Up: 45/10, 135/7, 205/3
Work Sets: 235/5,5


Warm Up: 45/10, 115/7
Work Sets: 150/5,5,5

Pullups (Wide)


Glute-Ham Raises (Bosu Ball)


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 11, Day 1: Volume Day


Warm Up: 135/12, 225/7
Work Set: 345/5 (difficult, will attempt 350 next week- expecting it to be a tough challenge)


Warm Up: 45/10, 135/5, 225/3
Work Sets: 290/5,5,5,5,5 (first time squatting in socks- felt fine & seemed to help my heel issue, so I will continue to do so)

Video- Squats: 290/5

Floor Press

Warm Up: 45/15, 135/10
Work Sets: 215/5,5,5,5,5

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 10: Volume Day

Only did one day of Texas Method this week, as other things came up that prevented me from lifting weights.


Warm Up: 135/13, 225/7
Work Set: 340/5


Warm Up:  45/10, 135/5, 225/3
Work Sets: 290/5,5; 275/5,5; 290/5
I dropped down to 275 because I felt that my form was off on the second set of 290. After I discovered that it wasn't, I went back to 290 for the final set. I will stay at this weight next week, as I barely made it through the last rep on the last set.


Warm Up: 45/15, 115/6
Work Sets: 160/5,5,5,5,5
I barely did 5 reps on the last set. There is no way I will be able to do 165/5X5 next time, so I have no choice but to stick with 160 until it gets easier.  This may be a good time to purchase some 1 pound and less weights to carry with me when I lift.

Video- Press: 160/5

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week 9, Day 3: Intensity Day

Box Squats

Warm Up: 45/10, 135/5, 185/3, 225/3, 275/2
Work Set: 295/5 (felt much easier than I thought it would)

Bench Press

Warm Up: 45/15, 135/7, 185/3
Work Sets: 230/5, 245/1



Good Mornings

Warm Up: 45/10
Work Sets: 135/5,5,5

Video- Good Mornings: 135/5- focuses on the bottom of the movement. (The entire movement is visible if you look at the mirror in the background.)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 9, Day 2: Recovery Day

Box Squats

Warm Up: 45/10, 135/7
Work Sets: 225/5,5


Warm Up: 45/11, 115/6
Work Sets:  150/5,5,5

Pullups- Wide Grip

Form started to die out on the last few reps of each set, as I was going less than full extension by then.

Back Extensions
