Sunday, May 21, 2023

Huge Trap Bar Deadlift PR

Haven't tested this in a while... last PR was 551 in November 2021.

Today, I was good for 590!! That is the most weight these hands have ever held.. pretty cool.

Monday, May 15, 2023

285 Pound Paused Bench Press

The 285 pound paused bench press attempt was successful tonight, good for 9 more pounds than what I managed at the competition two months ago. Not too shabby.

I also hit 350/4 with SSB squats, which represents a modest 4RM.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Random Things

Bench: I just completed a cycle of Smolov Jr. to get my bench press kick started again.... ended up getting a pretty fast touch and go 280. I'm going to try a paused 285 next week just for fun. I've learned that I respond to high volume,  so I am going to keep it up for a few months and then see if I can maybe get that elusive 300...... 

Deadlift: I've been playing around with hook grip lately and pulled 520 the other night. I like how the reps feel over mixed grip with the exception of how much the thumbs hurt at the top. Multiple rep sets are especially painful. If I am going to quit mixed grip, which I think I am, the happy medium will be doing multi rep sets with straps and singles with hook.

Squats: Hit a SSB PR tonight @ 405.

Planks: been doing a 2:00 minimum plank every day for the last 4 days.... going to "keep it continue", as Sammy Sosa would say, for the foreseeable future.

Goals.... hit a PR in one of the big three by my 46th birthday, which is August 25.

Competitions......considering one in November, but too early to say for sure.