Friday, September 3, 2021

2021-1: Week 5, Day 4

Standing Banded Hip Abduction 3x25/side - no rest

Foam Roll Spine and Glutes

Superman 3x8 - 2 seconds hold at the top of each rep

Competition Squat 3x3 at 75%  (320/3, 320/3, 320/3)

Competition Bench 4x4 at 70%  (200/4, 200/4, 200/4, 200/4)

Competition Deadlift 4x2 at 80%  (415/2, 415/2, 415/2, 415/2)

Prowler Pull (like a row, use the rope) 5 full lengths of the rope - load anything over 100 lbs  (140 lbs)

1 comment:

  1. Really interested in this meet prep program. Is this something you wrote, a coach wrote for you, or a pre-existing template? Seems like weights on the competition lifts should be very far from maximal right now based on the %/reps listed. How long is the program?
