Monday, August 2, 2021

2021-1: Week 1, Day 1

Meet prep officially begins today. 

Superset Glute Bridge and KB Swing 3x15 on each done as a warmup.

Bodyweight Corrective Lunge 3x6/leg - Stationary lunge but focusing on the back leg glute 

Beltless Tempo Paused High Bar Squat 4x8 at 45% - 90 seconds rest in between, 4 count down plus pause at bottom
(180/8, 180/8, 180/7, 180/8) (*these were ridiculous)

Beltless Tempo Paused High Bar Squat 1x4 at 60%, 4 count down plus pause at bottom (240/4)

Dorothy Good Morning 4x12 - heels touching with slight knee bend (95/12, 95/12, 95/12, 95/12)

Jack Knife 5x8/side - no rest in between each side.

.....and so it begins......

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck! Tempo squats are the worst so enjoy those, haha!
