Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week 44, Day 2

Paul Carter rates his workouts a +10 (great session), 80 (normal session), and -10 (poor session). Well, my workout tonight was probably a -40. Beyond pathetic. I had nothing in the tank at all. My goal for the bench press tonight was 202/12. I barely was able to do 8. I can think of four possible factors, but I am not sure how much each one applies.

First, I had trouble falling asleep last night, so I slept about 2 hours less than what I wanted to. Despite that, I still ended up getting around 6 hours of sleep. Thus, I am not completely sold that lack of sleep was a big factor in tonight's poor workout.

Second, I had to use a thicker bar to bench with tonight. Perhaps not being used to the feel of that bar was a contributing factor to less reps? If that's the case, I think that is rather pitiful to be honest with you.

Third, I haven't benched since October 1, so that could be too long of a drought. I put merit into this idea because I tend to lose strength in bench pressing pretty quickly.

Fourth, my body just felt worn down all day today after the week of training. Optimally, I would have taken tonight off and done the session tomorrow. However, I have plans tomorrow night and Saturday so I had to get the session in tonight.

The longer I do this phase of 365, the more I feel that the workouts plus the basketball are just too much for me. My body often feels worn out, but not in the good way.

In any event, here are tonight's numbers:

Bench Press

Over Warmup: 107/5, 132/4, 157/3, 197/2, 222/1
Work Sets: 202/8, one minute rest, 202/3 (50% set)


Over Warmup: Bodyweight (BW)/5, 5/4, 10/3, 15/2, 25/1
Work Sets: BW/12, one minute rest, BW/4 (50% set)

* The chins weren't bad considering how I felt. The 12 reps matched my effort last time and the second set of 4 reps was only 1 rep less than last time.

Incline DB Press

80's/9, 75's/9- drop set to 55's/8

* No gas left after the 75's/9, so I just did a drop set with the 55's and then called it a night.

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