Saturday, June 22, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 6, Week 6: Jefferson Deadlifts

Jefferson Deadlifts (plug in weight: 425)
155/5, 265/5
315/3, 365/1, 405/1, 430/1 (PR), 440/1 (PR), 450/0

Conventional: 265/3, 315/3 (just to remember what they felt like..... and yes, weird)

Jeffersons: 315/5, 315/5, 315/5, 315/5

Huge PR Day. The 450 attempt was a pie in the sky attempt, so I'm not really upset that I missed it. I managed to get it off the ground, but it just died. Videos of 430, 440, 450, and both conventional sets are on my Instagram - @beetroot5m

Barbell Curls
45/50 total reps: 35, rest, 15

Deload/rest time for two weeks. Looking forward to it!

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