Saturday, January 26, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 6: Overhead Press

Overhead Press (plug in weight: 190)
45/15, 95/10, 135/5
145/5, 160/3, 180/2 (ties 2RM)
145/5, 145/5, 145/5, 145/5, 145/5

5 sets of barbell biceps curls.

Walked on the treadmill. 

* Next week is a deload week. I may work on squatting. We'll see. Will likely do more cardio, too. May post or may not until the start of the next cycle. 

Friday, January 25, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 6: V-Handle Deadlifts; tried Sumos again

V-Handle Deadlifts (plug in weight: 425)
155/5, 205/5, 265/5
320/5, 360/3, 405/3

Sumo Deadlifts
155/10, 265/3, 265/3, 265/3, 265/3
   * I don't think my form is good on these. I don't feel any pain in my back, but my left leg tightens up a lot and I don't feel like I can generate much power in the move as a whole. I'd like to try and do these as an accessory movement if I can get the form and the feeling down.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Bodyweight: 225

Pendlay Rows
135/10, 135/10, 165/8, 185/6, 185/5, 185/5, 185/5, 185/5

3 sets of Lat PDs

3 sets of Plate Loaded Extreme Rows

Farmer's walks with dumbbells.

Pendlay Rows, 185/6

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 6: Incline Press

Incline Press (plug in weight: 220)
45/15, 95/10, 135/5
165/5, 185/3, 210/3 (3RM), 215/2 (2RM)
165/8, 165/8, 165/8, 165/8

HIIT cardio.

* Finally was able to get 210 for 3! I'm wondering if I could get 225/1 at this point. That would be really cool.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 6: Jeffersons; Barbell Squats

Jeffersons (plug in weight: 425)
155/5, 205/5, 265/3, 295/3
320/5, 360/3, 405/2 (2RM)
320/5, 320/5, 320/5
  * I had a long day at work, so I didn't know what to expect. Very happy with the 2RM, and could have done a third if my life depended on it.

Barbell Squats
135/5, 185/5, 225/5, 225/5, 275/1, 225/8
   * Just to see how these felt. I went wider than last time, so there was no shoulder pain. Definitely a psychological aspect to it because my back is always on my mind. Keeping the weight low, not pushing reps. Not sure how my form is, but they felt OK.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 5: V-Handle Deadlifts; also tried Sumo Deadlifts (Video)

V-Handle Deadlift (plug in weight: 425)
155/5, 205/5, 265/3
300/3, 340/3, 380/5, 410/3 (3RM)
  * The third rep of 410 was sloppy.

Sumo Deadlift
155/10, 265/5, 315/3, 315/3, 315/3
  * Below are videos of the set of 265/5 and the first set of 315/3. The exercise felt a little strange, but I don't know if it's due to my form being bad or my inexperience with the movement. My left leg felt really weird during and after the last set of 315/3.



Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 5: Overhead Press

Overhead Press (plug in weight: 190)
45/10, 95/10
135/3, 150/3, 170/4 (4RM!!), 185/1 (ties 1RM)
135/8, 135/8, 135/8

Incline Press
135/10, 165/8, 175/5, 175/5, 175/5, 175/5, 175/5

* I'm really pumped about 170/4. It has taken me FOREVER to get that 4th rep. I wish I had a video of it, but I didn't take one. I did, however, video 185/1:

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Parallel Barbell Rows
45/10, 95/10, 135/8, 155/6, 155/6, 155/6, 165/8, 185/6

4 sets Plate Loaded Lat PD

3 sets pulley rows

HIIT cardio

Monday, January 14, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 5: Jeffersons

Jeffersons (plug in weight: 425)
155/5, 205/5, 265/3
300/3, 340/3, 380/3, 410/1 (PR)

SS Yoke Bar Squats
65/10, 155/5, 205/5, 215/5, 215/5, 215/5, 215/5


I'm pretty pumped about the new PR, considering I missed 405 a few weeks ago!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 5: Incline Press

Incline Press (plug in weight: 220)
45/15, 95/10, 135/3
155/3, 175/3, 195/6 (ties 6RM), 205/4 (4RM), 215/1
155/8, 155/8, 155/8, 155/8

HIIT cardio.

As you can see, I almost completed a 7th rep.


Friday, January 11, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 4: V-Handle Deadlifts

V-Handle Deadlifts (plug in weight: 425)

Since I've been really strong in this lift lately, I decided to bump up the plug in weight for this round to match what I'm doing with Jeffersons.

Feeling major DOMS today after all of the squats on Wednesday.

155/5, 205/5
275/5, 320/5, 360/6, 405/3 (3RM)

HIIT cardio.

360/6 was a lot harder than it should have been. I felt like I was running on empty after the third rep. I think the DOMS was getting to me. That said, I managed a new 3RM at 405. Here's a video:

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 4: Overhead Press

Overhead Press (plug in weight: 190)
45/10, 95/5
125/5, 145/5, 160/6 (6RM), 170/3 (ties 3RM), 180/1

Back: 30 chins, 3 sets of seated pulley rows

The strong week continues!



Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 4: Jeffersons; Yoke Bar Squats, too

Jeffersons (plug in weight: 425)
155/5, 225/5
275/5, 320/5, 360/7 (7RM)

SS Yoke Bar Squats
65/10, 155/5, 205/5, 205/5, 225/3, 245/3, 265/1, 275/1, 155/10

I'm still working on this cold and feel like garbage, yet my strength is surprisingly good. I decided to try the yoke bar again and love how my legs felt afterward. It's been a while. No back pain, either, so if I can work these in going forward, that would be great. I haven't had 275 pounds on my back in many years. It was a really tough rep, but I am happy I got it, especially considering it was done after a 7RM deadlift and a bunch of squat sets.

Here's a video- curious about what you think of the form:

Monday, January 7, 2019

Beyond 531: Cycle 3, Week 4: Incline Press

Since I was off last week, I will just rerun the first three weeks of the cycle to complete Cycle 3. So, Week 1=Week 4, Week 2= Week 5, and Week 3= Week 6.

I've been battling a cold for about four days. That, coupled with the time off, made me think I would be really weak tonight. Surprisingly, I was pretty strong!

Incline Press (plug in weight: 220)
45/20, 95/10
145/5, 165/5, 185/8 (8RM), 195/6 (6RM), 205/3 (tied 3RM)
175/10, 160/12

Back: 4 sets of Plate Loaded Lat PD's and 2 sets of Extreme Rows.