As I moved to the overhead press, I was thinking that the workout was going to be an overall failure for the day, so I had no set goals. The warm up sets felt pretty easy, so I decided to try a new personal 5 rep record, and I nailed it!!! (168/5) In fact, my confidence was so high, that I decided to try a one rep personal record at 176. I ended up doing it for 2 reps, as you will see in the video below.
After overhead presses, I did 3 sets of chinups and felt strong throughout. I finished the workout with some biceps curls and ab wheel.
All in all, I don't understand it. I followed up a horrible deadlift session with two personal records on the overhead press. I wish I knew why.
Bodyweight: 220 (pretty low-I guess that's what a lot of basketball does.)
Warm Up: 47/16, 138/6, 228/4, 278/3
Work Set: 313/4
Warm Up: 138/10, 228/5
Work Sets: 318/5, 368/2
Warm Up: 42/10, 93/8, 133/4, 153/3
Work Sets: 168/5 (5 rep personal record), 176/2 (personal record)
Video: Press- 176/2
Workout concluded with 3 sets of biceps curls and 2 sets of 15 each on the ab wheel.
Great job on the overheads!! All the hard work you're doing is really paying off!