Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hex Bar Deadlift & shoulder injury update

On Wednesday morning, I told my chiropractor about my chronic left shoulder pain. He diagnosed me with tendonitis and strongly suggested that I switch from regular bar bench pressing to neutral grip DB chest presses. He said the same thing that he said to me when he encouraged the switch to hex bar deads & front squats... 'unless you are competing in powerlifting, you don't have to do those specific exercises.' 

As painful as that was to hear in January, I bought in, made the switch and my body hasn't felt better. So, as painful as it was to hear it again yesterday, I am going to give his suggestion a shot. Before I do that, however, I was told to not do any "push" exercises for two weeks, as my shoulder needs rest.

I started lifting weights a little more than 15 years ago. When I started, I had zero guidance. I wasn't an athlete in school and my friends didn't lift. As a result, I was being that idiot in the gym that put too much weight on the bar and had horrible form. I trained like this for a few years before I ran into someone who had a bit of clue what was going on and told me how horrible my training was.

Unfortunately, 15+ years later, I have a feeling that my body is finally communicating to me what damage I caused. I don't know if this is true, but I'm only 36 years old.... not 56. Should I really be at a point in life where I can't do traditional squats, deads, and bench presses???? It's not like I ever lifted THAT heavy...especially compared to guys that have been lifting as long as I have. It's very frustrating, but as I said above, my body really hasn't felt better since I made the switch to the hex bar and the front squat. As HHH would say, you either adapt or perish. I've been perishing with the way I've been beating up my shoulder. Looks like it's time to adapt.

Tonight's workout:

Hex Bar Deadlift

225/5, 275/5, 315/5, 365/3, 315/15 (full stop... NOT touch and go)
   * I wasn't feeling too strong tonight... shoulder definitely messing with my mind. As a result, I decided to do a 15 rep set at 315...huffing and puffing big time by the end!

Weighted Neutral Grip Pullups
15/5, 15/5, 15/5

Plate Loaded Seated Row

192/10 (close grip), 192/10 (wide grip), 192/10 (C), 192/10(W)
   * Haven't done this in years... kept it light

Standing Hammer Curls

30s/10, 30s/10, 30s/10
   * Alternated arms each rep

Lying Hamstring Machine

120/8, 120/8, 120/8

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your experience. Glad you found something to do to adapt. The hex bar and front squat are 2 exercises I would definitely like to try myself. Bin lifting for 10 years now and got some introduction to weight training which as helped me keep my form and overall body health. Thank you for sharing the idea.

    Mark Wallace @ Chiropractic Memphis
