Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week 8, Day 2: Recovery Day

Box Squats

Warm Up: 45/10, 95/6, 135/4, 185/3,3
Work Sets: 225/5,5
This was the first time I've ever done box squats in my life. I am going to do them a lot more often now, as they are supposed to help the posterior chain, and hopefully, my heel problem with regular back squats.

Floor Press

Warm Up: 45/15, 135/7
Work Sets: 195/5,5,5

Pullups (Wider Grip)

First time doing these in a long, long time. They felt strange at first, so I added an extra set as I got used to the movement.

Glute-Ham Raises

I used the body bar this week because the Bosu Ball was being used.  I had planned on doing back extensions this week, but the back extension bench was also being used.  Sometimes you just have to wave the white flag.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the box squats. They look like they're hard to do, but worth it. Great job introducing new challenges!
