Box Squats
Warm Up: 45/10, 95/6, 135/4, 185/3,3
Work Sets: 225/5,5
This was the first time I've ever done box squats in my life. I am going to do them a lot more often now, as they are supposed to help the posterior chain, and hopefully, my heel problem with regular back squats.
Floor Press
Warm Up: 45/15, 135/7
Work Sets: 195/5,5,5
Pullups (Wider Grip)
First time doing these in a long, long time. They felt strange at first, so I added an extra set as I got used to the movement.
Glute-Ham Raises
I used the body bar this week because the Bosu Ball was being used. I had planned on doing back extensions this week, but the back extension bench was also being used. Sometimes you just have to wave the white flag.
Good luck with the box squats. They look like they're hard to do, but worth it. Great job introducing new challenges!