Friday, April 1, 2016

Strong 15, Week 9: Zerchers & Hex Bar Deads

Zercher Squats
bar/15, 153/5, 178/4, 208/3, 228/2, 268/1, 273/1, 283/1, 228/3 (paused)
Hex Bar Deads
235/5, 285/4, 335/3, 380/2, 420/1, 380/3

I was concerned about how this would go in light of my boot camp sessions. Last night, we did a lot of light weight timed deads and lunges. When he told us that's what we were doing, I instantly thought about tonight's session and was like "oh shit".

Zerchers went well enough... the singles all felt heavy, but were never in question. Dare I say that the paused set of 228 felt awesome and was as smooth as I could ever hope.

Now, deads were a different story. The sets of 5, 4, 3, and 2 were all fine. However, 420/1 was super difficult. The next two sets were supposed to be 430 and 445. I got 430 about halfway up and had nothing left. I just skipped to 380/3, which was harder than I would have liked.

So, the end result is that I am now concerned about testing week in two weeks. Maybe my body just needs to get used to the boot camp and since this was the first week, I suffered a bit. It probably also didn't help that I trained squats and deads at the end of the week...the 5th consecutive day of training- after 3 boot camp sessions and an OHP session.

Next week is the super light week of Strong 15, so I am not concerned about that.

Maybe I will skip the first boot camp session during testing week and do my testing at the beginning of the week. Not sure yet, but I'll come up with something.

After the testing week, I will still have a few more weeks of boot camp. (maybe even continue beyond that if I like the results). Therefore, I won't start another Strong 15 right away, and instead come up with a different strength template that may go better with boot camp. Of course, if it is simply a case of body adjustment and just getting used to the new training style, maybe I can resume with another Strong 15 sooner than I think now.

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