Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Testing Week- Lesson Learned


As suspected, I didn't meet any of my goals this time around. Lesson learned- don't start boot camp classes when you are simultaneously running a 1RM program. On OHPs, I was able to get 176/1 without trouble, but when I tried 196, I knew instantly that it wasn't going to happen. With deads, I worked up to 451/1 easily, but 481 was pie in the sky. I didn't even bother attempting Zerchers.

The thing is, though, I am not even really all that disappointed because I am just really loving this boot camp scenario. I get such a high after each class and it's been motivating me to eat better, as well. So, the end result is that I am going to stop 1RM training for a while and concentrate more on multi rep maxes and mix in some 5x5's or 5x3's. The boot camp also does a tremendous amount of low weight, very high rep lower body work- tons of squats and lunges. So, for the time being, I am going to use hex bar deads as my main lower body strength movement with occasional Zerchers to supplement.

Because these classes are pretty much always full body, I don't really need to do any supplemental lifts in the gym. I'm thinking my lifting sessions will consist of 15 degree incline DB presses, hex bar deads, OHPs, chins, T-Bar rows, shrugs, occasional Zerchers, and other movements when I feel like it. I've been running pretty much the same thing for quite some time now, anyway, so I am looking forward to this change.

I did do some chest tonight, as follows:

15 Degree Incline DB Press
70's/10, 80's/10, 90's/5, 100's/2, 105's/1

80's/10 is a 10RM on this movement and 105's/1 is a 1RM.


* I have one more boot camp class this week, but I won't lift again until next week because I am visiting my parents over the weekend. 


  1. Maybe check out Alex Viada's Hybrid Training manual. I've been eyeing his Powerlifting + 5K template for a few months, and may switch over later this year if I see a race I like in the fall. It's very minimal strength training with 3-4 movements per day for 2-4 low-rep, work sets each. Anyway, it might suggest some guidelines for how to manage both.

  2. Thanks for the tip! Will check it out.
