Friday, July 22, 2022

Tampa Meet Prep, Week 8, Day 2

Pallof Press 3x10/side

Low Cable Row 4x12 - heavier each set

2 Board Press 4x4 at 70% (205/4x4) followed by 2x3 at 80-85% (245/2x3)

Incline Paused DB Press 4x10 - heavier each set (65's/10, 70's/10, 75's/10, 80's/10)

High Bar Tempo Squat 4x6 at 60% - belt  (275/4x6)

Sumo Stance Good Morning 4x10 - heavier each set (180/10, 190/10, 200/10, 210/10)


  1. Hey, noticed you haven't posted in a while. Hope everything is going well with you, training and otherwise.

  2. Hi - been battling sciatica.. on the mend, though. Thanks for checking in - hope you're doing well!
