This is my last workout until the beginning of November.
I came in to the night thinking 335/5, which would have been a nice 5RM by 20 pounds. I ended up calling an audible and did a set of 335/3 (which was a brief 3RM), and another set of 340/3 (which is my new 3RM). I knew that I would not make 335/5 during the second rep of that set, so I decided to rack it after rep three. I then looked up my current 2RM - 340 - so I decided to go for a set of 3. The third rep was a battle, but I got it.
Block Pulls: 375/5, 405/3, 405/4
Kabuki Trap Bar HD: 376/6, 376/6, 376/6, 376/6 (first time using this bar.. pretty weighs 66 pounds)