Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Average to Savage 2.0: Week 1: Squats

After running 531/Beyond 531 for a few years now, I decided to run Average to Savage 2.0 by Greg Nuckols to change things up. This program is a lot different and after the first day, I can tell that it's going to be pretty difficult.

45/10, 135/5, 225/3
255/5, 255/5, 255/5, 255/5, 255/10 (10RM)
  * The last set is an AMRAP set. 255/10 doesn't sound like much, but after the 4 sets of 5, that last set was an absolute killer.
  EDIT- I just realized that 255/10 is actually a 10RM by 5 pounds. This is nice, especially after the 4 sets of 5!

Push Press
120/7, 120/7, 120/7, 120/7, 120/15 (15RM)

Plate Loaded Lat PD
230/11, 230/10, 230/11

EZ Bar Curls
70/12, 70/11, 70/10

1:00, 1:00

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