Friday, October 28, 2016

Chest, Shoulders

15 Degree Incline DB Press
50's/10, 60's/10, 70's/10, 90's/6, 90's/5, 90's/5

Overhead Press
bar/15, 118/10, 138/8, 138/6, 138/6

Incline DB Press
75's/8, 80's/5, 80's/6, 85's/4

Standing Overhead Cable Curls
3 sets

* Grip is better. Workout was pretty good, though I was hoping for more reps on the first set of 90's in the 15 degree press. Overhead Press was noticeably stronger, and I'm happy with 85's/4 incline on what amounted to the 15th set of the night using my shoulders.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hex Bar Deads (Week 9, 10x10), T-Bar Rows

Hex Bar Deads
150/10, 240/8
320/8 for 10 sets

Barbell T-Bar Rows
145/10, 155/8, 160/8, 170/6, 180/5

I felt like doing deads tonight, so I'll do my upper body workout later in the week. 320/8 for 10 sets wasn't bad at all, so I am thinking 320/10x10 will be pretty smooth next week. I jammed my finger during boot camp last night, so I couldn't grip the DB's properly for Kroc rows. Therefore, I decided to do T-Bar rows.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hex Bar Deads (Week 8, 10x10)

Hex Bar Deads
135/15, 225/8,
305/10 for 9 sets
  * Started to get difficult around set 7. I'm thinking 320 for Weeks 9 & 10.

Kroc Rows
100's/10, 100's/10, 105's/6, 105's/6
  * My left handed grip is so much weaker than my right, it's scary. The DB kept slipping out of my hand, so I decided to do the left handed reps first, and then just do the same amount of reps righty for balance. It's frustrating because I know the strength to do more reps is there, it's just the grip that prevents it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Chest, Shoulders, Biceps

15 Degree Incline DB Press
50's/10, 60's/10, 70's/10, 80's/3, 90's/1, 105's/1, 90's/7 (wanted the 105's tonight, happy with 90's/7, too)

Incline DB Press
70's/10, 80's/7, 80's/7, 80's/7 

Overhead Press
115/8, 135/5, 135/5, 135/5

Machine Curls
4 sets, AMAP, 30 seconds rest in between

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hex Bar Deads (Week 7, 10x10)

Did this on Friday.

Hex Bar Deads

warm up, 305/8 for 9 sets

I didn't do anything else because I was pressed for time. Not bad at all. My initial goal on the 10x10 week was 315, so based on this, I will do more than that in 4 weeks.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Chest, Shoulders, Biceps

15 Degree Incline DB Press
50's/10, 60's/10, 70's/10, 80's/10, 90's/6, 100's/1 (got the 90's for 6, that was cool)

Overhead Press
118/10, 138/6, 138/6, 138/5

Incline DB Press
70's/10, 80's/6, 80's/7, 80's/5 
    * The Hammer Strength machine was taken, so I gave this a whirl. I liked how they felt and for now, I will do them. Hopefully, they don't bother my shoulder. We'll see.

Bar Curls
70/10, 80/10, 80/10, 80/10

Hex Bar Deads (Week 6, 10x10)

Did this last Friday, forgot to post.

Usual warm up

Hex Bar Deads
warmed up with either 135 or 185,

290/10 for 8 sets 

TRX Rows... did a bunch of sets

Last Sunday, I slept on a mattress that destroyed my back for 4+ days, so I didn't lift anything worth posting on Wednesday. I ended up missing one boot camp class, as well. All is OK now, though.