Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Deadlift & INJURY!


228/5, 278/5, 318/5, 368/2

Boom- back injury in the middle of the second rep of 368. Not really sure why, as my form felt good. But, this is a bad one. I couldn't even rack my weights. Just left the bar there after taking the 25's off. That painful.

So, now I am home icing. Hope I am not out too long.

THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!


  1. I see it's been two weeks. Hope you're doing better, and will be able to get back to it soon.

    1. Thanks for checking in! Yes, unfortunately I suffered a severe disc sprain. I've been going to a chiropractor three times per week for treatment. I've been back to the gym doing some rehab work, but nothing more than that. He said that I should be able to get back to normal soon, but that I would be starting at very low weights. The goal is this short term setback for hopefully long term gains. How is your training going?

    2. It's actually been going really well. I've struck off on my own a little bit sort of taking what I like about 531 and LRB and trying to find ways to tweak the things I didn't like about them. I'm sure I'll hti a wall any day now, though, hahahaha.

    3. Good work, man. Nice PR's! Keep up the good work!
