Monday, August 5, 2024

Modest Rep Maxes

SSB Squats: 308/10

Incline DB's: 100's/6, 105's/3

* First time ever attempting the 105's on incline. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

New Deadlift PR

Hit a 561 pound deadlift PR on Saturday. Pretty cool.  This will likely be my last PR as a 46 year old, as my birthday is in late August. (though, ya never know)

Regardless, I have 3 years to hit what I will call my age 50 goals: 500 squat, 315 bench, 600 deadlift

Currently, my bests are 480-300-561.

That may not look like a long way to go on paper, but I progress extremely slowly. I will keep fighting, but I am also not the guy that's gonna hit a random 20 pound PR out of nowhere.


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Belated Meet Recap

I neglected to post the results of my latest powerlifting meet, which occurred on April 21.

Better late than never:

Weight class: 110kg (242 lbs)
Weigh in: 107.6 kg (237 lbs)
Masters 45-49 years old

8/9; missed the first squat attempt for depth

Top lifts:
435 squat (5 pound meet PR)
287 bench (11 pound meet PR)
551 deadlift (FL state record for age/weight class) (5 pound meet PR)

1273 total

I had a lot of fun and am happy with the results. I wanted the 435 squat to be my second attempt, but since I got called for depth on my opener, I tried that same weight again as my second just to make sure I got it. 

I'd like to compete again in 2024.. possibly November. 

Friday, November 24, 2023

300 Pound Bench Press!!!!

Here's a post I never thought I'd write......I am now a proud member of the 300 club!!!!

I had no thoughts of benching 300 pounds when I woke up this morning. However, we had a great atmosphere at the gym today and I was feeling pretty good, so on the advice of someone who knows what he's doing, I gave it a shot. It moved surprisingly well. So much so that I will probably try 305/310 before year's end. 

It has been a very long journey to get here and there were many times where I thought that this day wasn't in the cards. To say I am pumped is an understatement.  

Cool 5RM on deadlifts today, too, @ 500 lbs.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

480 Squat PR

I forgot to post this, but I had a nice 480 pound squat PR on August 12.

My progression was 365-405-430-460-480.   The rep at 430 was OK, but 460 flew, so I felt pretty confident with 480.  That ended up being probably a RPE9. I may have been good for 485/490, but I was happy enough with 480 that I stopped there.  The road to 500 is getting shorter and shorter.

Current lifetime numbers:  480-295-555

Saturday, July 8, 2023

295 Bench PR

I forgot to post this on July 4... hit a sloppy touch and go bench PR @ 295.  After failing that weight probably 6 or 7 times, I'm thrilled!  

300 is getting close......

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Impromptu Deadlift PR

Today's session was bench press and deadlifts, without anything specific planned for deadlifts.

To bury the lead, benching went well...I worked up to a legitimate pause @ 285 lbs., which I think would have been a good lift in a competition setting.  I followed that up with 205/14, which is a 15 pound increase over my previous 14RM and a 5 pound, 2 rep increase over my previous 12RM.

On to deadlifting....425 felt super easy, so that made me think that I'd pull 500+ today. 465 flew. 505 was solid enough that I decided to load the bar with 535. It went up surprisingly fast. My PR at this point was 546, so I decided to put 555 on the bar.....and it was good for a 9 pound PR!

I had a goal to hit a PR in something by my 46th birthday in late August, so it's awesome that the goal was achieved with a lot of time left.

Maybe a bench PR on the horizon?